Friday, November 9, 2012

Crocheting Projects

Working on some project with my crochet hook for Christmas... Trying to get each of the kids blankets done and I am also working on a little stuffed toy... We will see how it turns out... I have the main parts done but need to stuff and put them together and then decide what animal I want to make it into.  = )  Decisions Decisions!!  Photos will come of these.. but for now here are some previous projects that have been completed...

 Hats, Slippers, Headbands, Sweater...oh my... I wish I could find the photo of the completed blanket I made as well... Probably on the external HD!

Happy Friday!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Just Me...and my creativity (or not)

I decided to break loose and create a blog that pertains to everything creative and crafty.  This will be a place where I share pages I have created for scrapbooking as well as crochet projects, recycle projects, household projects, fun projects with the kids... you name it, it will be here.  This will keep all the "boring" things off the blog and will be an outlet for those that might want to  check out some of the things we/I have been doing.  I am hoping that I can keep this up with the other blog.  I have so many things that I want to do but with keeping the family time in check and the house in check, I have a feeling many projects will get started but may take a while to complete.  If I have them staring at me on here I might be tempted to complete more.  I will probably also use this blog to jog my memory.  I have a tendency to start a crochet project and take a break from it, leaving the pattern to be forgotten.  If you see me jotting patterns down, it's so I can remember but feel free to use them for yourself as well.  = )  One last thing.. I will be linking to many projects I WANT to do.  So read carefully as to what I post because I am sure a lot of it will be on my wish/to do list!

Thank you for taking a look see.. maybe you will find inspiration as well. = )