Monday, January 14, 2013

Boot Covers- Crochet Project

After receiving my large box of Yarn, I was excited to see all the bright colors that had come!!  I LOVE COLORS!  I have a lot of Rainbow colored ideas in my head right now and the first was leg warmers.  I started working on these and Paige came over and asked what I was making.  I told her I was making Leg Warmers and she gave me that look of  "why?"  LOL... thanks PAIGE!  I was going to make her model them when I was finished but I knew by that look she would not be too pleased with me.  I thought that they would make a cute addition to her little school uniform for days she wore skirts.  But she did not seem too thrilled about them and she does not like LEG WARMERS.  I guess she just does not know style yet. = )  So I continued with one color after another.  I did not add the cinching at the top and bottom and put them on my leg (over my boot) to see size and decide how much more I needed to do if any before starting to do the ends.  After I did that,  I got the idea for myself... boot covers!!  I have had my UGGs for a few years now and I love them the way they are but sometimes the plain grey needs a little color.  Why not place these over them and cover the upper half of the boot while leaving the foot part exposed?  It worked and I think they look cute!  I can always add the tops and bottoms to them later if I wanted to.  I was very happy they came out matching nicely and also the " seams" are barely visible.  They crocheted up pretty fast. The only thing that became difficult was the yarn tangling around the other colors since I left all attached until the end.  Would I do it again?  YEP!  How cute would they be to have different holiday ones as well... Valentine's day is coming up!

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