Thursday, January 10, 2013

Zebra Hat- Crochet Project

Yaaaahhhhh... My yarn came in!  You can't believe how excited I am that it has arrived FINALLY!  It only took 6 weeks from the time I ordered it until it arrived!  I guess I am going to have to do some sweet taking and sending of some money to get my orders here faster.  (MOM... = ) )

This little Zebra Hat was the first project since I got the yarn.  I love how he turned out and Mathew snagged it up fast.  I was going to put a pink bow on it and give it to sis because she so desperately wanted an animal hat that was a ridiculous price!!  But NOW, I have to make her the horse hat I was planning on anyhow!  

The ears were the hardest as they were the first I had done and I made the pattern up as I went along.  I did not want to see the yucky crocheted back so I made the front and then worked one edge towards the back to make the back of them.  It was trial  and error  and lots of taking out stitches to accomplish this!  But all in all, I think this guy turned out pretty cute.  = )

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